Website for Klub cystické fibrózy


WordPress based website for a non-profit organization. Custom theme with multiple features for content management with above 80 unique pages.

Tech stack

WordPressPHPCustom themeSASSJQuery
Website for Klub cystické fibrózy


I designed a new website structure compared to the previous version, which was built on Joomla CMS. After getting completed design, I created the custom theme using various WordPress API, such as customizer, creating new custom post types and modal management. Also I was focusing on performance, so I used only key plugins like Advanced Custom Fields, Yoast SEO, WordFence and one for caching.

Klubcf customizer WordPress API

Additional features

  • Custom theme
  • Fully responsive website
  • 80 unique pages without blog
  • 5 Custom Post Types
  • WordPress customizer API
  • Using AJAX to load new blogs
  • Static caching for faster responses


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my work, or if you are interested in collaborating. I will respond as soon as possible.